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Good Argumentative Essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Elizabethan Era
By definition, a class is a gathering of individuals with a related social standing. There are regularly particular contrasts between the classes, signified by qualities, for example, one†s riches, training, profession, and wellbeing. These standards applied for the Elizabethan Era also. Elizabeth herself was an individual from the privileged, while other genuinely effective individuals had a place with the white collar class. Laborers were the most reduced positioned class, generally on the grounds that they were sufficiently tragic to either get a malady that crippled them from work, or they were ranchers that were blasted with destitution when a gathering season turned sour. The â€Å"upper class†comprised for the most part of honorability and well off landowners. Those in this class commonly dealt with administrative issues. They likewise had their kids raised with training in music, math, and history. It wasn†t uncommon for a large number of them to be proficient in various unknown dialects, just as their own, for example, Latin, English, French, and Spanish. Additionally, the men generally got superior instruction than the ladies. The men of honorability were shown additional abilities, for example, horse riding, chasing, shooting, and selling also. In view of this class†s social resolution and riches, they were effectively ready to get themselves the best of the food accessible during their time, particularly substantial nourishments. But since of the huge utilization of meat with not many vegetables, numerous in the long run experienced infections, for example, scurvy, which is shortcoming of the bone. The dinnerware comprised of wooden plates, similar to those of the lower classes, however these were joined by different indulgences of the Elizabethan time frame, for example, seats, forks, and glasses. The most loved beverage of the considerable number of classes was lager, despite the fact that the high society supported wine imported from French vineyards. One custom between the individuals of this class and the laborers was known as the giving of â€Å"alms†to poor people. This was were a well off individual would contribute cash and here and there give valuable safe house to a less blessed individual. In spite of the fact that the high society was a minority in Elizabethan occasions as it is currently, it kept the flourishing European realm alive. The below average of the Elizabethan Period was the â€Å"middle class†. This class as a rule comprised of shippers and a few landowners, in spite of the fact that the quantity of workers who rose and fell between this class and the lower class fluctuated relying upon the strength of the occasional gather. Those in this class lead a genuinely quiet, nice life, other than normal family unit tasks and visits to the nearby market. In the event that conceivable, they would employ a hireling to stay aware of a portion of the family unit errands, for example, the dreary undertaking of garments washing. They sent their kids to a proper school in the event that they could bear the cost of it. The guardians were so expectation for their youngsters to get familiar with the material that they urged educators to beat them in the event that they committed errors or got sluggish. The working class frequently couldn't bear the cost of a portion of the things underestimated by the high society, for example, seats rather than stools, forks, glasses, and an enormous determination of meats. The working class drove the economy of Britain through its exchanges with other European nations. The laborers made up the lower class. These individuals were either sick, apathetic, became workers, or were simply turned an awful hand during the reap season. The workers and hirelings served extended periods of time every day taking care of the least good occupations, for example, field work and clothing. During awful seasons, the greatest number of as 25% couldn't bear the cost of food, and regularly the most they at any point ate was bread. Much of the time they went to burglary, else they would starve. Some were sufficiently fortunate to get â€Å"alms†from the well off, however numerous didn†t, as a result of their extraordinary number. The high society felt sorry for the laborers that were sick or that couldn†t look for some kind of employment, so they made a framework to think about them. In the event that there had the option men that were simply lethargic and rather ask in the city, a Parish, or the individual accountable for the framework locally, would send them to a bigger city were they would be whipped and afterward sent back and allocated work. In the event that a man was sick, at that point they would regularly attempt to take him in and give him enough food to get by on. Widows and their families were likewise rewarded in a similar way. At long last, when collect was well, every class profited, and it made particularly great seasons for poor people, else it was the laborers who endured most. The classes of the Elizabethan Period set up a general public which turned into a model for some, present-day societies. In spite of the fact that not great, it despite everything exists today, even in America somewhat. The privileged was the wealthiest and had the most influence, while the white collar class was generally engaged with exchange, and the lower class made up the rest of were frequently sick or bereaved.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gender and Moral Devt of Carol Gilligan free essay sample
Ditty Gilligan looked at the ethical advancement of young ladies and young men in her hypothesis of sex and good turn of events. She guaranteed that young men have an equity point of view implying that they depend on formal standards to characterize good and bad. Young ladies, then again, have a consideration and obligation point of view where individual connections are viewed as when making a decision about a circumstance. Gilligan likewise examined the impact of sexual orientation on confidence. She asserted that societys socialization of females is simply the motivation behind why young ladies regard reduces as they become more seasoned. Young ladies battle to recapture their own quality while traveling through youth as they have less female instructors and most power figures are men. Each general public has an arrangement of scholarly mentalities about social practices, foundations, and conduct used to assess circumstances, encounters, and conduct as right or off-base, positive or negative. In spite of the fact that, there are known norms of ethical quality inside the general public in which we live, grown-ups are driven and propelled contrastingly on how they come to settle on their ethical choices consistently. We will compose a custom article test on Sexual orientation and Moral Devt of Carol Gilligan or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Hymn Gilligan, notable clinician, educator, and creator, was the first to guarantee there are sex contrasts inside the ethical advancement among guys and females. She accepts that ladies have distinctive good standards and follow an alternate way in development and that our lives are formed by the ethical inquiries and choices we make each day (Hekman, 1997). When all is said in done, Gilligan’s investigate noted sexual orientation contrasts in sentiments towards mindful, connections, and associations with others among guys and females. All the more explicitly Gilligan noticed that ladies are progressively worried about consideration, connections, and associations with others and men are increasingly disposed to think regarding rules and equity. Gilligan’s elective hypothesis of advancement of ladies proposes three phases of preconventional, traditional, and post regular where the advances between the stages are filled by changes in the feeling of self instead of in changes in intellectual capacity like those of her partners (Medea, 2009). Her hypothesis is separated into three phases of good improvement starting from narrow minded, to social or customary profound quality, lastly to post ordinary or principled ethical quality. Ladies must figure out how to arrangement to their own advantages and to the interests of others. She imagines that ladies delay to judge since they see the complexities of connections. Pre Conventional - Person just thinks about themselves so as to guarantee endurance - This is the manner by which everybody is as youngsters In this transitional stage, the individual s mentality is viewed as childish, and the individual sees the association among themselves as well as other people. Regular - Responsibility - More consideration appeared for others. - Gilligan says this is appeared in the job of Mother Wife - Situation once in a while carries on to overlooking needs of self. In this transitional stage, strains between obligation of thinking about others and thinking about self are confronted. Post Conventional - Acceptance of the guideline of care for self as well as other people is appeared. - Some individuals never arrive at this level. Gilligan produces her own stage hypothesis of good advancement for ladies like Kohlbergs, it has three significant divisions: preconventional, traditional, and post ordinary. Be that as it may, for Gilligan, the advances between the stages are energized by changes in the feeling of self as opposed to in changes in subjective capacity. Kohlbergs approach depends on Piagets subjective formative model. Moral choices are egocentric (in view of me) and cement. It is accepted then that prize and discipline are the common bases of thinking in this stage. The traditional stage depends on the people capacity to decenter their ethical universe and take the ethical point of view of their folks and other significant citizenry into account. The postconventional stage depends on the grown-ups capacity to put together profound quality with respect to the rationale of principled dynamic dependent on gauges that are believed to be universalizable and not subject to culture. Kohlbergs framework depended on broad research he and his understudies did with interviews in which they requested that youngsters and grown-ups give the reasons they had for moral choices (Kohlberg, 1973).
Friday, August 21, 2020
GRE Argument Essay Topics - Writing The Essay That Will Get You Into Law School
GRE Argument Essay Topics - Writing The Essay That Will Get You Into Law SchoolGre argument essay topics can be one of the most difficult aspects to master. If you're anything like me, it may seem like an impossible task to begin with. So what exactly is an argument? It's a statement that tells you what you believe and why.Most GRE argument essay topics begin by giving you a basic statement of fact. This will get you started on the right foot. Then you can move on to introducing some supporting evidence. It can be as simple as stating your personal belief or as complicated as citing facts that support it.When writing your GRE argument essay topics, you should start out by coming up with a list of basic ideas. These will be used to form the backbone of your statement. This is very similar to how the law school essays are structured. You should think about the answers you will want to give before you begin writing.The next step is to answer the basic concept you wrote out before. Next comes the description of your argument. This will deal with the rest of the topic. Don't worry if this part seems complex. It will all come together when you get to the conclusion part.What makes GRE argument essay topics challenging is that you have to be able to come up with an original idea that has been proven through logic. This may seem difficult at first. The problem is, you're probably not applying the skills you learned in school to it. Make sure you know how to form your own original ideas. This is what will separate you from the crowd.Just like with other things, the easier GRE argument essay topics are often the hardest. Your topic needs to be something that can be researched and checked. You should also keep in mind the purpose of the essay and include it's main point.When you have the exact topic ready, be sure to write out a proof copy. This will show how you have approached the topic and also help other people understand why you have the idea you have. Use your copy as a guide for your topic. With these facts in hand, you can easily answer questions on your topic and decide on the best way to present it.Follow this quick checklist when preparing your GRE argument essay topics. You'll find that writing these types of essays is a lot easier once you have the basics down.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Effective Dementia Care Essay - 1562 Words
Dementia care offers support and services to an individual affected by the disease itself, which is dementia. It addresses the right and needs of the person with dementia and their families. Improving quality of life and changing attitudes towards dementia is the main goal of dementia care. Dementia care also provides quality of care, maintain dignity and promote health, security and comfort in consideration with the standard of care and ethical guidelines (Adams Manthorpe, 2003). Understanding dementia care is necessary for those health care providers who are planning to handle dementia patients. Care worker should know their duties and responsibilities and have the required knowledge and skills to establish quality care. To find†¦show more content†¦It also shows the need for more effective treatment method to stabilize the disease process and provide quality care for dementia sufferers. To achieve effective and excellence care on dementia, biological, psychological and social approach to dementia has to consider because it provides an understanding to people with dementia and help improved health practice, treatment and support for better dementia care (Bowers Downs, 2008). Biological approach tackles the disease process of dementia, the cause of brain injury and the changes in behavior pattern of dementia sufferers. On the other hand, psychological approach to dementia involved the sufferer’s reaction to the injury, how they accept it and deal the situation. It also covers the effect of the disease process on their communication and action in relation to others. Particularly, people with dementia, mostly feel embarrassed and depressed by their brain injury. They are often angry, agitated and frightened because of the disease but maybe it also means seeking help to avoid embarrassment and disgrace. Dementia care in social domain explains the right of the pe rson with dementia to enjoy and experience significant social interaction. Friendly environment and venues with sociable care provider that makes them comfortable and feels worthy is the focus. In addition, social identities of the people with dementia should be valued and socialShow MoreRelatedAnalysis and Description of Dementia Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesDementia is characterized as a condition where the mental processes of cognition and memory start to deteriorate. It is described as a syndrome that hinders the daily lives of those who have it and is characterized by memory and thinking impairment. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease and the second most common is vascular dementia. Dementia is a syndrome occurring usually, but not limited, to people over the age of 40 and is due to brain damage caused by natural deterioratingRead MoreEvaluate a Range of Ways to Embed Elements of Functional Skills in Your Specialist Area.625 Words  | 3 Pa geswill evaluate two examples of activities which as a teacher will be embedded into the delivery of training to health and social care staff who work in the field of dementia. English: The use of the English language will be encouraged through effective listening , when giving knowledge about dementia, and communication through discussion. In my experience some care staff lack in confidence. Therefore by facilitating contribution to discussions and working in groups, in a safe environmentRead MoreThe Characteristics Of The Cognitive Disease1307 Words  | 6 Pagesdisease is, it can be very mild or very devastating. These types of diseases happen in the brain because that is where cognitive productivity takes place. Dementia is a cognitive disease that comes in many forms and is one of the most common forms of disease that accompanies Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that around half of those diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s are institutionalized. (Sellers, 2006). Most commonly it starts in the memory, and as time goes on it gradually deteriorates the cognitionRead MoreA Reflection On Clinical Placement990 Words  | 4 Pagesdiagnosis is deme ntia therefore, it may cause memory decline, poor judgment and decision making. Continuous patient teaching is extremely important to prevent any accidents. Elaborate and Describe: While assessing my patient I found that she is alert and oriented, she asking many questions but, do not understand the seriousness of head injury. I explained her that head injury may be mild or severe; she does not take it seriously stating I failed many times before . I know that dementia may affectRead MoreUnit 533 Understand the Process and Experience of Dementia1432 Words  | 6 Pages | |533 |1.1 |There are many causes of dementia. Dementia is caused by changes to the brain; there are different | | | |types of Dementia. Vascular dementia is caused when the brains blood supply is disrupted, the brain| | | |does not get enough oxygen and brain cells die off. Lewys Body dementia is caused by lumps of | | | |protein in the brain which interfere withRead MoreCaring for Dementia Patients Long Term Care1161 Words  | 5 PagesCaring for Dementia Patients Rodrick Williams English 122 Professor Susan Turner – Colon Caring for Dementia Patient It can be very difficult caring for a patient with dementia. Most caregivers are unaware of the problems, they must face. A family member attempting to care for a loved one without training will eventually turn to a Nursing Home that has experienced staff in the care of dementia patients. 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In the UK, it is expected that over a million will be affected by 2025 (Alzheimer Society 2007). Dementia causes progressive decline in cognitive functions and complicates the impact of sensory experience by affecting communication, memories,Read MoreTechnological Approaches For Dementia Patients845 Words  | 4 PagesTechnological Approaches to Care of Dementia Patients Dementia describes a decline in mental ability. Alzheimer disease, which damages brain cells, is the major cause of dementia. It is estimated that around 850,000 people in UK developed dementia in 2015. The risks of developing dementia will increase by the comprehensive contributions of aging, risk genes, and unhealthy lifestyles. However, the medical treatments fails to cure dementia effectively for the mechanics of how dementia is developed is tooRead MoreOverview of Dementia Essay988 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Margaret is a 77 year old who has a diagnosis of dementia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. She has been recently separated from her daughter who was her primary carer and her husband who were both unable to cope with her agitated behaviour. Margaret now resides in an age care facility. Margaret’s mental and emotional health is a cause for concern and the family are upset and are struggling with feelings of guilt and anger. This paper with discuss the intervention professional healthcare
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Margaret Atwood s The Handsmaid s Tale - 1763 Words
Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel, The Handsmaid’s Tale is a powerful piece of composition that surfaces the political ideals and social movements during Atwood’s period of life. Though an important primary focus of the tale is the oppressing consequence of patriarchal control of women in Gilead’s society, Atwood, through extensive detailing of Gilead’s power structure, reveal that a deeper and problematic expression of the novel is the disunion that exist amongst the female characters. Such disunity ultimately prevented the females from empowering their own kind and successfully rising against the powers that subjugated them. Atwood’s piece, though perhaps a criticism of her perceived failed feminist movements that occurred during her time is also a prognosticating urging for women in any liberating movements to form soliditary ties among one another. Foremost, the Caste System in Gilead and the ascribed roles of women coerced them to form not allegiance with other women, but to the dominant male figures in their society. Atwood would agree with sociologist Sivella Labrador that â€Å"when women themselves strongly believe that their place is at home, they become household-centered. The needs of their husbands assume a greater psychological importance than their own needs. In fact, a woman becomes defined in her domestic role†(31). Labrador’s explanation of women’s allegiance to their societal roles is reflected in the story as the women in the novel are ascribed with
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Career as a Computer Programmer Essay - 1093 Words
Becoming a computer programmer would be great because there are many options in this career by having the ability to produce an operating system, or a game for the world. Computer programmers have many opportunities in life to find a job they would love. Programmers can work independently, or in a big company. Programmers have and are creating the future for computers. Computer programmers have a wide range on what they can do. Computer programmers write the detailed list of instructions the computer will follow in the software (Great Sample Resume). This is also called â€Å"coding.†Programmers test their software, or other peoples, to see if it works properly (Career Cruising). Programmers study the tasks that the program will†¦show more content†¦The programmer will either have to go to the business or the home in some sort of transportation, or by using his own computer. If the programmer is working on certain software for his clients, then he may have built it in a way to assist them from his computer. All jobs need some sort of qualifications to work at that specific job. As a programmer, the person may not go very far if they only have a high school degree. Most employers require programmers to have at least a bachelor’s degree (Education Portal). Some higher-ranking jobs may even require a master’s degree (Education Portal). Some qualifications may be as simple as having a certain amount of experience (Education Portal). With an advanced degree and certain knowledge, a programmer could become a software engineer (Education Portal). Certain employers and jobs may want the programmer to have great technical skills, and programming needs in the businesses (Education Portal). Other than going to school and getting a degree, employers may want more experience and more skills then the programmer may have. During college the programmer most likely spent an abundant amount of time programming for class and maybe some of their own projects. The programmer may get an internship and be supervised so they will eventually get the experience they need (Education Portal). Later down the road in life they my need more experience to get a higher up job. Experience and maybe moreShow MoreRelatedCareer Resume : Computer Programmer4000 Words  | 16 PagesCypress High School College and Career Research Report Cal Poly Pomona, Computer Programmer Troy Trinkle English 4 Mr. Markle November 19, 2014 Career – Computer Programmer Overview of Career The computer programmer occupation is a relatively new career and in continuously high demand due to the rapid growth of technology, and while you may think of computers as these magical machines that can do almost anything, they were not always like that. Back in the early 1800s, there wasRead MoreThe Life and Work of a Computer Programmer Essay1263 Words  | 6 PagesThe purpose of a computer programmer is to design and develop applications to perform the needs of a consumer. This occupation is essential to modern day life due to all of the computers that are in use today. Computer programming is a fulfilling career goal because of the ability to be on the cutting edge of technology, design software for computers, and have a wide range of benefits. Computer programming consists of many duties. Duties of a computer programmer include but are not limited to:Read MoreWhy I Want to Become a Computer Programmer Essay863 Words  | 4 PagesHistory and Origins: When computers started coming out, computer companies need people to program operating systems and programs for them. Seeing that you sat at a desk all day, it was seen as a easy career choice, but with little pay. So computer programming as a career, was dominated by women in the 60s. Soon though, men dominated the field through discrimination and needs for a job. The Job field was getting paid more so companies wanted to hire â€Å"higher quality†employees, and that meant menRead MoreThe Exciting yet Stressful Career of Computer Programming1667 Words  | 7 Pagesmeaning the people who program computers have significant jobs. Although it is essential that computers are built from scratch, people are needed to transform these computers from complex machines that users need a college diploma to the user-friendly interfaces we see today. In order to become and remain a computer programmer, a student could go to college and obtain a degree or self-teach himself. Computer programming is a difficult yet rewarding career. Programmers use different programming languagesRead MoreInformation On My Future Career1151 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen using to gather more information on my future career. has provided me with more knowledge about my future than I could have gotten using Google. One goal of mine while writing this paper is to show how interested I am about my future. Another goal I do have is to teach the reader more information about a specific career path. Every individual has their own career plan, and possibly could be interested in the same career as me. In the website, there are multiple surveysRead MoreComputer Programs And Software Applications1098 Words  | 5 Pages1) Programmer 2) A programmer’s job is mostly project based. They create applications, using their knowledge of code, and remove all the bugs before setting it forward to the company. A programmer works closely with analysts and management to understand about a problem in the code, and create/edit the expected outcome towards a company. Some duties include: Correcting errors by making appropriate changes and then rechecking the program to ensure that the desired results are produced. ConductingRead MoreThe Computer Of Computer Technology901 Words  | 4 Pagesexponential. The introduction of the personal computer (PC) was the true catalyst for the growth in popularity of computer technology. With this introduction also came the growth in popularity of being a computer scientist. The code used to write the software for these personal computers was brand new and easy to use. What made it easy to use was the fact that the computer code for the PC was very similar to the English language; wh ereas, previous computers used punch cards as a way to program them.Read MoreOverview of Computer Programming Essay1137 Words  | 5 PagesComputer Programming is a big industry. Without it, computers, video games, the internet, and even cell phones would not exist. Jobs are not scarce for computer programming today. Almost everything we use has to do with technology, and computer programmers are needed in order to make the projects happen. Computer programming is one of the more challenging jobs out in the world. Someone who quits easily when things get hard, or when something is not working the way that they want it to, will not succeedRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Computer Software Engineering827 Words  | 4 Pagesyear 2008 there were 426,000 computer programmers employed. Computer programmers write the program the computer uses to function. The computer programmer follows the specifications given to them by the computer software engineer. Specialized knowledge and ex perience with a language or operating system could lead to a computer programmer becoming a computer software engineer. Programming skills and programming experience is highly valued in this field. Computer programmers must constantly update theirRead MoreEmployment in the Information, Communication and Technology Sector1200 Words  | 5 Pagesthis report will discuss employment and career opportunities in this area. Methodology This report will be carried out using a secondary research method, by performing a literature review. The Information, Communication and Technology Sector and its Range of Occupations ICT refers to the input, storage, transfer, access, manipulation, analysis and transmission of data and the manufacturing of technology to facilitate data. It is also an umbrella term for computer hardware and software, mobile devices
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Youth leadership free essay sample
Below is a free essay on City and Guilds (Level 4) Licentiateship in Youth Leadership and Training from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Since attending the Senior Non-Commissioned Officers Staff Course at RAF Cranwell, I have developed my self management and development by working within the command structure within my unit by being a committed member of the team environment. Through regular weekly debriefs and monthly programme meetings, I have also been able to contribute to the smooth running of the unit by putting forward my ideas and initiatives , and then implementing them where appropriate into the program or administration running of the unit. I believe that it is important to keep and to improve good working relationships with constant communication and the sharing of ideas with the willingness where necessary to take criticism and also learn from these. This I achieve through one-to-one discussions with individuals or groups, weekly debriefs and at the monthly planning meetings that we hold at the Squadron. We will write a custom essay sample on Youth leadership or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I find it very important to seek advice and build on other peoples experience, knowledge and expertise, remembering to give them the necessary praise and acknowledgement for their input to the finished project. I also find it imperative to exercise self-control when disagreement or work-related difficulties arise by looking for the diplomatic solution and compromise, but more importantly realising that I may not always be in the right and be willing and able to re-evaluate my decisions or ideas and start again if needed. I think it is equally very important to be kept informed of current trends and policies within the Corps, and I have been very keen to improve my knowledge and abilities by attending further training courses and appropriate training sessions when they have been available to me. Furthermore, I am often consulted and my advice sought in my area of expertise and experience when policy is being formulated. Managing Tasks As part of my duties as a member of staff at the Squadron unit, it is my responsibility to be able to Assessment is the measurement of the learners’ response to interpretation and competence to teacher instruction (Curzon pg 383). In hairdressing, assessment is vital and foremost, as this is how learners are measured against set criteria prior to exams and achieving summative status. My professional and personal opinions upon assessments are that as a teacher we should use a variety of techniques and skills to encourage and motivate learners providing constructive feedback to allow them to actively self develop/improve, achieving and setting own targets within their chosen profession. Assessment is to grade performance of learners by diagnosing their knowledge and skills and to evaluate their application of skills, strengths, needs and to set achievable targets according to Berkowits (1994). Assessment is a systematic ongoing process of analysing describing and collecting information upon learner achievements and progress according to the awarding body and institutes criteria, standards and the curriculum. Types of assessment are formative (ongoing), summative (attained) and initial or diagnostic (analyzing), formative and initial are progression assessments and summative is assessment of successful learning. Understanding the key Below is a free essay on Youth Leadership from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Today’s youth still face many attitudinal challenges to self-empowerment. Only through self-determination, can these youth eventually achieve leadership in their respective communities. In addition to parental guidance, society has responsibility to create opportunities for these young adults to exercise good leadership. We must focus on the practice of leadership rather than the theory. Young adults should be given the opportunity to practice what they learn, such as being responsible for designing, organizing, and implementing their own conferences. Yet for many youth leadership implies a broader involvement. We need to encourage youth to pursue their own interests, and help them integrate into their local communities. Ultimately, the establishment of leaders in all aspects of society will eventually improve the lives of all youth and people. I personally feel qualified to be a delegate at the forum because I believe that I can contribute to help increase the independence of many persons with disabilities such as myself. I want to attend because I feel that it would be a great experience to be in the company of others who also want to better the lives of others. I have always understood from my grandparents attitudes that they expected me to complete at the highest level of education. Growing up I have always tried to push myself as far as I could education wise and personal. After high school I plan to move to the east coast to go to a 4 year university and double major in marketing and psychology. As many may know the east coast can be a very difficult place to live in for someone in a wheelchair because of the snow. Although I constantly hear various persons tell me to think of a more realistic place for college I still am trying to pursue my dream of moving to the east coast. Regardless of what people tell me I feel that you can only get stronger by constantly challenging yourself in life so you can better yourself. I have a dream to one day be able to walk About City Guilds City Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, offering over 500 awards across a wide range of industries, and progressing from entry level to the highest levels of professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in 100 countries, City Guilds is recognised by employers worldwide for providing qualifications that offer proof of the skills they need to get the job done. City Guilds Group The City Guilds Group includes City Guilds, City Guilds Institute, ILM (the Institute of Leadership Management) which provides management qualifications, learning materials and membership services, NPTC which offers land-based qualifications and membership services, and HAB (the Hospitality Awarding Body). City Guilds also manages the Engineering Council Examinations on behalf of the Engineering Council. Equal opportunities City Guilds fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and we are committed to satisfying this principle in all our activities and published material. A copy of our equal opportunities policy statement is available on the City Guilds website. Copyright The content of this document is, unless otherwise indicated,  © The City and Guilds of London Institute 2007 and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without prior written consent. However, approved City Guilds centres and candidates studying for City Guilds qualifications may photocopy this document free of charge and/or include a locked PDF version of it on centre intranets on the following conditions: †¢ centre staff may copy the material only for the purpose of teaching candidates working towards a City Guilds qualification, or for internal administration purposes †¢ candidates may copy the material only for their own use when working towards a City Guilds qualification The Standard Copying Conditions on the
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